I believe that everything happens for a reason. It is not coincidental that this book has come into your possession. May it inspire you to go deeper into your faith and strengthen your relationship with God.
This prayer book consists of Traditional Prayers,Novenas, Litanies and Chaplets, including the Holy Rosary. It also features the many Miraculous Accounts of Jesus, documented Eucharist Miracles,
the famous Marian Apparitions, the Shroud ofTurin,mind blowing testimonies and much more.
Let us never forget the UNCONDITIONAL LOVE that Jesus has for us. Jesus willingly took up His heavy cross which was burdened with all the sins of the world, to save humanity. He was crucified, died and was buried. He rose again as promised after three days. There is no greater love than this. Throughout the Bible we see Jesus choosing broken people and using them for the sake of His mission to bring hope to the world. God knows how we feel, nothing is hidden from Him. If we let Him, God will
take our broken pieces and reshape us with His
loving hands, making us whole again.
"Never lose hope, just when you think it's over,
God sends you a MIRACLE."
600 pages of beautiful inspirational prayers, novenas, Litanies and miraculous stories...